The Worst Halloween Costume Ever!

I have seen a lot of great (and not so great) Halloween costumes over the years.

Storm troopers?




Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?

Check! Checkcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheck!

Last Tuesday was Halloween as well as Beggar’s Night. In our neighborhood depending on the weather, we get anywhere from two to two hundred trick or treaters. With the change in weather, I was rather hesitant.

The night was very cold and the wind did not help. I filled a pan with candy and put it on the steps to the house. I also lit several candles in jars so the kids would know they were welcome.

I also did something a little different. I had several very large candy bars that I had been given that my diet make off limits so when I see a special costume, I would hand one out as a reward.

The first one went to the blowup dinosaur. A tiiiiiny little girl with an enormous costume that was held up with balloons and her Dad’s carefully placed hand was just amazing! She got the giant size Heath bar!

Wow! Were there a lot of pirates this year!

Big pirates!

Little pirates!

Pirates that really should have been wearing more clothing…

Then, there were the ghosts and witches. A Hermione got the extra large Hershey bar for having the wand that shot out silly string!


It was starting to get late and I was getting ready to pack up when a pack of kids from the apartments down the street came by.

Superhero after superhero with a smattering of Barbies came through.

That is when he appeared.

Tattered t-shirt, torn jeans, and a drawn-on beard were topped by an off kilter baseball cap.

For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to be.

“So what are you? Luigi? Mario?”

He laughed.

“No, I am not either one of them.”

“Then what are you?” I asked.

“The weirdly-dressed old guy from down the street.”



That is when I realized he was dressed almost exactly like me!

Tattered shirt?


Ripped jeans?


Crooked baseball cap?

Oh, yeah!

“You mean me?” I asked.

His eyes got wide as he laughed.

“No, I meant the OLD guy down the street.” he waved down the block. “How old are you anyway?”

“How old do you think?”

“Thirty! Not old….”

THAT is why he got the entire bag of lemon bars!


Lemon Bars


Butter, one stick

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour

2 cups sugar

4 lemons

6 eggs

2 tsps vanilla extract

2 tbsp salt

  1. Melt the butter over a low double boiler.
  2. Mix the flour, salt, eggs and butter together.
  3. Cut the lemons and juice them.
  4. Mix the sugar, lemon juice and vanilla together.
  5. Put the flour mix in the bottom of a greased baking pan and preheat the over to 350 degrees.
  6. Bake the crust until slightly done.
  7. Pour in the filling and bake again for 20 minutes.
  8. Allow to cool for one hour then slice and serve.
  9. Serves 8.
  10. ENJOY!

2023 MJ Hobbs

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