About Me

I am a middle aged survivor of the 1980’s living in Indianapolis with my husband and our five furry kids, Zeus, Hades and Speck (the dogs) and Fubar and Widget (the cats).

My hobbies include cooking, writing and telling humourous stories. Feel free to contact me!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. I think you have a degree in naming pets. That’s the best line up I ever heard.


  2. Tom Whittaker says:

    I loved your Costco adventure with forgotten dog food. At least 50% of the time I get to my car after a Costco run without the single item I set out to buy but somehow I have managed to purchase a carload of ‘must haves’. Anxious to try the paella. Thanks!


    1. Mike Hobbs says:

      Thank you so much for the nice feedback!


  3. Michael says:

    My new favorite, gotta follow you


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